Thursday, August 12, 2010

Lesson 2: Novelty, Innovation, Creativity and Invention

Lesson 2

In lesson 2, it is all about this novelty, creativity, innovation and invention. Somehow, creative people always generate new ideas. There are many types of creativity. There is creativity with value behind it and there is creativity which without a value behind it. For example, just like the picture of a paper clip and a book page holder. Both of these are really good idea and very efficient but the majority of consumers are on paper clips because it is very useful and cheap where everyone get use to it compare to the book page holder. Somehow, invention of paper clips really changes the culture of society. The book page holder can be consider as a personal satisfaction creativity only

Lesson 2

Novelty can be defined as the freshness of an idea. Ideas that make you stand out from the others and be special. These pictures will explain what novelty is.For example, The Basket Building which its founder is Dave Longaberger, the manufacturer of wooden basket. This building is the headquarters of their products that also helps a lot in advertising their products too. However, this is one of the examples of novelty architectural. They imply the concept of novelty which making them stand out and be special.


Besides, Burj al Arab in Dubai the world second tallest building which designed by Tom Wright (architect); turn out to be the world’s first “7-star” hotel. He designed the building as a symbol of the sail of a boat and the speed of Dubai’s urbanisation.

In addition, the Walt Disney Concert Hall by Frank Gehry, now appear to be a place for tourism.

The above are all novelty architectural buildings which already explain the meaning of novelty.


Innovation is that improve a old idea and creating a new product base on the improved idea. For example, from a normal colourless cell phone to currently I-Phone 4G. The functions of this model 4G are extremely incredible as in shown in the video.


Creativity can be defined as the new ideas that will be involved in the invention of item objects also known as the ability or skills to invent a new product. However, it reminds me of the movie Inception by Christopher Nolan. His creativity is the one that bring out the story line of Inception. This movie is incredible because of the twisting of the story that shows how creative Nolan is. The image below is the image of Inception that I found in Google search.

Lesson 2
Class exercise: Creating Image of a Public Figure

Famous for his dark, quirky themed movies such as Beetlejuice, Edward Scissorhands, The Nightmare Before Christmas and blockbusters like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Batman Returns and recently Alice in Wonderland, Burton is an Academy Award- and Golden Globe-nominated American film director, producer, writer and artist.
His most valued friend and often seen in his movies is none other than Johnny Depp. Burton has directed 14 films as of 2010 and produced 9 as of 2009.
Rumors have said that Burton will be directing a 3D animation adaptation from the Addams Family. (Can’t wait! :D)


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