Thursday, August 12, 2010

Lesson 1 Creativity

Lesson 1

What is creativity? From what I know, creativity can be defined as by creating something useful, imaginative and useful enough to contribute towards the society. Creativity includes 2 big processes. First of all is the thinking part and then follow up by the producing part. As if you have lots of creative ideas but you didn’t follow up or act on them still you are imaginative but you are not creative. For example, if Karl Benz came out with blue prints of car but he just stop there without following up still he is now going any closer towards creativity. Because of Karl Benz and his creativity, in this era there only have what so we call a car. Besides, wearing unique clothing and having a special hair cut doesn’t mean you are creative. You are just trying to be special from the others. On the other hand, there is a guy/girl invented something and contributed it towards the society, that is what we call being special at the same time being creative. This is what I learn from the lesson being taught.

This is the picture of my friend Nurul Syahirah.

I created this picture to show how Nurul Syahirah is. She is a very funny and interesting person. She always keeps a positive mind set. The big smile of her is to show that she is a very happy and fun person to make friend with. I wish this picture could represent the cool person of her.

Lesson 1 Creativity

The butter stick is amazing and very efficient. Things evolved based on the revolution of culture and environment. Butter stick is very easy to use and is easier to bring along
compare to the big butter we kept in the fridge. It was invented by Courtesy Kenji Kawakami, 1995. This is a creative invention.


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