Thursday, August 12, 2010

Lesson 4: Associated Mind Map

Lesson 4

This is the video I found in YouTube that is from one of our senior’s work. The video is all about associated mind map. They did in a group. I found it quite interesting although the video is a bit boring but the way they create the mind map is impressive by linking every key word from Cyberpreneurship. Then, at the very end, the whole empty space was filling up with key words and it somehow link back to Cyberpreneurship. This is the video below.

Source: YouTube (

Lesson 4

Mortar and Pastel

This lesson is all about the mortar and pastel. In the lecture, we had been given a task. The given task is all about how we create a new way of using mortar and pastel based on the key words that we had chosen from the mind map that Mr Radzi shown us. For me, I’ve chosen the 5 words which are money, exercise, devil, medical, and married.

1. Money.

Mortar is the place where all the gold chips or bars are place. Then, it was heat at the mean while using the pastel to smash it. After that, the smashed and melted gold can be use to do money and coins.

2. Exercise.

While push up, the mortar is tie up on behind the head and the pastel is tie up on the bicep. The mortar and pastel are tie up for the purpose of putting on weight so that the person using this can improve the strength and stamina.

3. Devil

My idea, devil of mortar and pastel are use to bless a certain people and cursed away the evil spirit. The mortar is the place where people put the things that where Chinese people use for praying and the pastel is the place where people put the cups on.

4. Medical

However, medical purpose for mortar and pastel are use to cure the numb legs by positioning the mortar on the knee cap and the pastel is use to hit onto the mortar to create a impact that help to cure the numb.

5. Married

There are 2 kids that are bond which have a agreement that when they grown up, the will marry each other. When this happen, the guy will have the pastel while the girl will have mortar and when the time comes, they will exchange the mortar and pastel as the symbol of the agreement. Besides, it also use as a purpose of recognisation of this 2 kids.

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